球员下杆时受到影响, 但停不下来

14/1.5 Intent to Strike Ball Ceases During Downswing; Club Not Stopped But Path of Clubhead Altered to Avoid Striking Ball

Q:A player begins his downswing with the intention of striking the ball but decides during the downswing not to strike the ball. The player is unable to stop the club before it reaches the ball, but he is able to swing intentionally over the top of the ball. Is the player deemed to have made a stroke?

A:No. The player is considered to have checked his downswing voluntarily by altering the path of his downswing and missing the ball even though the swing carried the clubhead beyond the ball.

If the player had not successfully checked his downswing (i.e., he had struck the ball), he is considered to have made a stroke.

Any doubt regarding the players intent must be resolved against the player. (Revised)

14/1.5 意图击球,但在下挥杆的时候想让击球停住;球杆没停下来,但为避免击到球,球杆头的路径改变了

问:一名球员带着击球的意图开始下挥杆,但在下挥杆的过程中决定不击球了。球员在球杆接触到球之前不能让它停下来,但他能有意地在球的上面挥杆。球员 会被认定是打了一杆吗?



